Jitte Instructional

Kata in practice

Yoi 10

Greet in the musubi-dachiposition.

Announce the“Jitte”kata.

Yoi: In heisoku-dachi position. Join your hands in front of your chin, your left hand encompassing your right fist, your elbows tucked towards your flanks.
This posture is known as Jiai no kamae,”Posture of Benevolence.”

1. Migi tekubi kake-uke: Bend your knees, open and lower your right hand in front of you, palm down to waist height. Slide the left foot backwards into the zenkutsu-dachiposition. Raise your right hand in front of your chest and lower your left hand on a slightly curved trajectory. Bring the left fist into hikity while swivelling the right hand on itself so that the palm is turned skyward. Lower the right arm for a hooked lock on the right wrist(tekubi kake-uke).

2. Teisho morote-uke: Turn your head to the left, move your left foot 45 degrees to the left, send the left palm down. When the foot arrives in the zenkutsu-dachi position, rotate the left palm upwards and the right palm downwards to exert a double locking of the hand heels(teisho morote-uke).

3. Hidari haito-uke/Migi haito-uchi:

(3A) Still in zenkutsu-dachi position, turn your head to the right and lock the inner edge of the left hand against the right arm(haito-uke). This one does not move throughout the technique.
(3B) Shift the weight of the body to the left leg, send the right hand open, palm down to the left side. Push on the left foot to shift the right foot to the right in the kiba-dachi position. Simultaneously, execute a strike from the inner edge of the right hand(haito-uchi).

4. Migi teisho-uchi: Turn your head to the left, move the left foot closer to the right foot by half a step without raising the pelvis and sending the right elbow backwards. Advance with your right foot in the kata axis to find yourself in the kiba-dachi position, while sending a shot from the heel of the right hand(teisho-uchi).

5. Hidari teisho-uchi: Without moving the right hand, advance the left foot in the kiba-dachi position, while sending a blow from the heel of the left hand(teisho-uchi).

6. Migi teisho-uchi: Without moving the left hand, advance the right foot in the kiba-dachi position, while sending a shot from the heel of the right hand(teisho-uchi).

7. Jodan juji-uke/Ryowan gedan kakiwake-uke: Turn your head to the left, bring the right foot closer to the left foot, bringing your right hand back towards you. Rest the left foot on the other side of the right foot in the kosa-dachi position, while sending both fists up for a high level cross blockage(juji-uke). Move the left foot to the left in the kiba-dachi position. Simultaneously, lower your arms to the sides to perform a double downward blockage(kakiwake-uke).

8. Yama kakiwake-uke: Without raising the pelvis, bring the right foot closer to the left foot and cross your arms in front of you, sending your right fist to the left and the left fist to the right, left arm above. Move the left foot to the left in the kiba-dachi position. At the same time, raise the elbows backwards to perform a separator blockage(yama khawake-uke).

9. Hidari fumikomi-geri: Turn your head to the right, without changing the position of the fists, raise the left leg in front of you powerfully towards the right side. Pivot your body 180 degrees to the left and kick a crushed left kick(fumikomi-geri)before falling back into the kiba-dachi position.

10. Migi fumikomi-geri: Raise the right leg in front of you powerfully to the left side. Pivot your body 180 degrees to the right and kick a crushed right kick(fumikomi-geri)before falling back into the kiba-dachi position.

11. Hidari fumikomi-geri: Raise the left leg in front of you powerfully towards the right side. Pivot your body 180 degrees to the left and kick a crushed left kick(fumikomi-geri)before falling back into the kiba-dachi position.


12. Ryowan gedan kakiwake-uke: Extend your legs, slightly bring your feet closer to each other in the hachiji-dachi position. Simultaneously, send the 2 fists up and then lower your arms to the sides to perform a double downward blockage(kakiwake-uke).

13. Migi jodan shuto-uke: Turn your head to the right, shift your right foot to the right to find yourself in the zenkutsu-dachiposition. At the same time, block the edge of the right hand level high(shuto-uke).

14. Morote jo-uke: Still in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, lower the right hand directly in front of you, at waist height and send the left hand forward to empty height to perform a 2-handed blockage on jo attack (stick)(morote jo-uke).

15. Morote koko-dori: Always in the zenkutsu-dachi position, rotate both hands clockwise to reposition your input on the jo(koko-dori).

16. Morote jo-dori: Move the left leg forward by swivelling the pelvis to the right. In doing so, bring the sole of the left foot against the inner face of the right knee to find yourself in the sagi-ashi-dachi position (heron position). The left knee points slant to the right. Simultaneously, raise the right elbow to the right, back of the head and lower the left elbow, left hand in front of the abdomen, towards the right side as if to hold a stick along your right flank(morote jo-dori).

17. Morote jo tsuki-dachi: Advance the left foot in the zenkutsu-dachi position, sending your hands in front of you, at waist height for the left hand and at face height for the right hand, in order to carry a penetrating stick(morote jo tsuki-dachi).

18. Morote koko-dori: Still in the zenkutsu-dachi position, rotate both hands counterclockwise to reposition your input on the jo(koko-dori).

19. Morote jo-dori :Move the right leg forward by swivelling the pelvis to the left. In doing so, bring the sole of the right foot against the inner face of the left knee to find yourself in the sagi-ashi-dachi position (heron position). The right knee points obliquely to the left. Simultaneously, raise the left elbow to the left, back of the head and lower the right elbow, right hand in front of the abdomen, to the left side as if to hold a stick along your left flank (morote jo-dori).

20. Morote jo tsuki-dachi :Advance your right foot in the zenkutsu-dachi position, sending your hands in front of you, at waist height for the right hand and at face height for the left hand, to carry a penetrating stick (morote jo tsuki-dachi).

21. Manji-uke (Migi jodan uchi-ude-uke/Hidari gedan-barai) : Shift your left foot from the right, rotate 270 degrees to the left to find yourself in the kokutsu-dachi position. In doing so, perform a high/low inner lock: upper right level upper inside your back (chudan uchi-ude-uke) and a low-level left-down blocking in front of you (gedan-barai).

22. Manji-uke (Hidari jodan uchi-ude-uke/Migi gedan-barai) : Turn your head to the right, transfer the centre of gravity to the left leg in the kokutsu-dachi position. In doing so, make a high/low lock in the opposite direction: inner inner left level high in your back (chudan uchi-ude-uke) and a low right level down block in front of you (gedan-barai).

23. Hidari jodan age-uke : Turn your head to the left, approach the left foot with your right foot before sliding it forward in the zenkutsu-dachi position. Simultaneously, run a left-level ascending block (jodan age-uke).

24. Migi jodan age-uke : Avancez le pied droit vers l’avant en position zenkutsu-dachi. Simultanément, exécutez un blocage ascendant droit niveau haut (jodan age-uke).

25. Hidari jodan age-uke :Move the right foot forward in the zenkutsu-dachi position. Simultaneously, run a high level right ascending block (jodan age-uke).

26. Migi jodan age-uke : Move the right foot forward in the zenkutsu-dachi position. Simultaneously, run a high level right ascending block (jodan age-uke).

KIAI !!!

Yoi 10

Yame: In support of the right foot, rotate 180 degrees to the left by bringing the left foot against the right foot in the heisoku-dachiposition. Hands in front of you, at chin height, right fist closed in the left hand.

Join your feet in the musubi-dachi position and salute.