Greet in the musubi-dachiposition.
Announce the“Ji’in”kata.
Yoi: In heisoku-dachiposition. The arms are bent, hands clasped at chin height. The open left hand covers the closed right fist. You are in a posture jiai no kamae, “benevolence posture”.
1. Kosa-uke – Hidari chudan uchi-ude-uke/Migi gedan-barai: Step back the left foot and arm your right hand to your left shoulder, left arm outstretched in front of you. Settle in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, while making a cross-blocking in front of you(kosa-uke):inside-outside left middle level(uchi-ude-uke)and right-descending block(gedan-barai).

2. Manji-uke (Migi jodan uchi-ude-uke/Hidari gedan-barai):
(2A) Turn your head to the left, shift your left foot to the left by arming your left fist with your right shoulder and extending your right arm in front of you.
(2B) Switch to the kokutsu-dachi position and run a high/low lock(manji-uke):inside-outside right high level lock in your back(migi jodan uchi-ude-uke)and a left bottom level down block in front of you(hidari gedan-barai).
3. Manji-uke (Hidari jodan uchi-ude-uke/Migi gedan-barai):
(3A) Turn your head to the right to look in the opposite direction while arming the right fist to the left shoulder and extending the left arm in front of you.
(3B) Pivot the pelvis 90 degrees to the right and settle into the kokutsu-dachi position in the opposite direction and run a high/low lock(manji-uke):inside-outside left level high in your back(migi jodan uchi-ude-uke)and a right standing block level low in front of you(hidari gedan-barai).

4. Hidari jodan age-uke:
(4A) Turn your head to the left, bring the left foot back to the right foot and arm the left fist to the left hip, while extending the right arm slanted to the left.
(4B) Advance the left foot in the zenkutsu-dachi position at a 45-degree angle to the left. Simultaneously, perform a high-level left ascending block(age-uke).
5. Migi chudan oï-zuki: Advance your right foot in the zenkutsu-dachi position, while administering an elongated right-right middle-level head punch(oï-zuki).

6. Migi jodan age-uke:
(6A) Turn your head to the right, bring the right foot back to the left foot before moving it slanted to the right. In doing so, rotate the pelvis in the same direction and arm the right fist to the right hip, while extending the left arm obliquely to the left.
(6B) Advance your right foot in the zenkutsu-dachi position. Simultaneously, perform an ascending right high level(age-uke).
7. Hidari chudan oï-zuki: Advance your left foot in the zenkutsu-dachi position, while administering an elongated frontal punch left medium level(oï-zuki).

8. Hidari gedan-barai: shift your left foot to the left by swivelling 45 degrees in the same direction to settle in the zenkutsu-dachi position. At the same time, run a left-down block(gedan-barai).
9. Migi chudan shuto-uchi: Advance your right foot to find yourself in the kiba-dachi position, and hit the middle right hand(shuto-uchi).
10. Hidari chudan shuto-uchi: Hold the right arm extended in front of you, advance your left foot in the kiba-dachi position, and hit the edge of the left hand at the middle level(shuto-uchi).
11. Migi chudan shuto-uchi: Hold the left arm extended in front of you, advance your right foot in the kiba-dachi position, and hit the edge of the right hand at the middle level(shuto-uchi).

12. Chudan kakiwake-uke:
(12A) Bring the left foot closer to the right foot, before sending it back backwards by pivoting the pelvis 45 degrees to the left. In doing so, join the forearms in front of the belt by crossing them at the wrists, right fist above, back of fists facing down.
(12B) Advance your left foot in the zenkutsu-dachi position. Simultaneously, raise the forearms to chest height and spread your fists to perform a medium level separator blockage(kakiwake-uke).
13. Migi mae-geri: Without changing the position of the arms, apply a right frontal whipped kick(shuto-uchi).
14. Migi chudan oï-zuki: Rest your right foot in the zenkutsu-dachi position, while administering an elongated right-right middle-level(oï-zuki)frontal punch.
15. Hidari chudan gyaku-zuki: Then carry an inverted punch left medium level(gyaku-zuki).
16. Kosa-uke – Migi chudan uchi-ude-uke/Hidari gedan-barai: Always in zenkutsu-dachiposition, arm the left fist with your right shoulder, right arm outstretched in front of you. Make a cross-blocking in front of you(kosa-uke):middle level inside-outside blocking(uchi-ude-uke)and left-down blocking(gedan-barai).

17. Chudan kakiwake-uke:
(17A) Bring the right foot closer to the left foot in a circular path, before shifting it to the right by rotating the pelvis 90 degrees in the same direction. In doing so, join the forearms in front of the belt by crossing them at the wrists, left fist above, back of fists facing down.
(17B) Advance your right foot in the zenkutsu-dachiposition. Simultaneously, raise the forearms to chest height and spread your fists to perform a medium level separator blockage(kakiwake-uke).
18. Hidari mae-geri: Without altering the position of the arms, lay a left frontal whipped kick(mae-geri).
19. Hidari chudan oï-zuki: Rest your left foot in the zenkutsu-dachiposition while administering an elongated frontal punch left medium level(oï-zuki).
20. Migi chudan gyaku-zuki: Then carry an inverted right punch medium level(gyaku-zuki).
21. Kosa-uke – Hidari chudan uchi-ude-uke/Migi gedan-barai: Always in the zenkutsu-dachi position, arm the right hand to the left shoulder, left arm outstretched in front of you. Make a cross-blocking in front of you(kosa-uke):left-level inner-outside blocking(uchi-ude-uke)and right descending block (gedan-barai).

22. Migi chudan tettsui-uchi:
(22A) Bring the right foot closer to the foot and rotate the pelvis to the right as you raise your left fist towards the right shoulder and send the right arm down to the left.
(22B) Settle in the kiba-dachiposition, performing a right level right hammer punch(tettsui-uchi).
23. Hidari chudan tettsui-uchi:
(23A) Turn your head to the left, lower your left foot behind the right foot, rotate the pelvis to the left. At the same time, send the left fist towards your right flank and pass your right arm in front of your chest over your left arm.
(23B) Complete 180-degree rotation to the left to settle in the kiba-dachi position, performing a left-level hammer punch(tettsui-uchi).
24. Migi chudan tettsui-uchi:
(24A) Bring the right foot closer to the left foot, and rotate the pelvis to the right at the same time as you send the right fist to the left flank, under the left arm (remained in the previous position).
(24B) Complete 180-degree rotation to the right to settle in the kiba-dachi position, performing a right-level right hammer punch(tettsui-uchi).

25. Hidari chudan tate shuto-uke:
(25A) Bring the left foot back to the right foot and move it obliquely to the left, while you send the right fist in the same direction and pass the left hand open under the right arm towards the right flank.
(25B) Settle in the kiba-dachi position, performing a sharp stroke of the left hand vertical middle level(tate shuto-uke).
26. Migi chudan gyaku-zuki/Hidari chudan-zuki: Still in zenkutsu-dachi position, execute an inverted middle level right punch(gyaku-zuki),followed by a left-level front punch(chudan-zuki).
27. Migi mae-geri/ Migi chudan gyaku-zuki: Without changing the position of the arms, give a right frontal whipping kick(mae-geri). Rest right foot behind you in zenkutsu-dachi position, while administering an inverted right middle level punch(gyaku-zuki).
28. Kosa-uke – Hidari chudan uchi-ude-uke/Migi gedan-barai: Always in the zenkutsu-dachi position, arm the right hand to the left shoulder, left arm outstretched in front of you. Make a cross-blocking in front of you (kosa-uke): left-level inner-outside block(uchi-ude-uke)and right descending block(gedan-barai).

29. Kosa-uke – Migi chudan uchi-ude-uke/Hidari gedan-barai: Step back the left foot by passing it in front of the right foot, rotate the pelvis to the left by raising your left fist to the right shoulder, right arm outstretched in front of you. Rest your left foot 180 degrees from its original position in the kiba-dachi position. Simultaneously, make a cross-blocking in front of you(kosa-uke):middle level inside-outside blocking right(uchi-ude-uke)and left descending block(gedan-barai).
30. Morote gedan-barai: Still in the kiba-dachi position, and without changing the position of the left arm, lower the right forearm to perform a descending blockage(gedan-barai).
31. Morote chudan uchi-ude-uke: Without moving the elbows, bring the forearms inwards and upwards so that they cross on the chest, before performing a double inner-outdoor blockage medium level(uchi-ude-uke).
32. Hidari jodan-zuki/Migi chudan-zuki: Still in kiba-dachiposition, immediately chain a direct punch left high level(jodan-zuki),followed by a direct right punch medium level(chudan-zuki).


Yame, bring the left foot against the right foot in the heisoku-dachi position by raising the right fist and the left hand in front of you at chin height. Wrap your right fist with the palm of your left hand open.
Join your feet in the musubi-dachi position and salute.