Greet slowly in the musubi-dachi position.
Announce the kata: “Tekki Sandan”.
Yoï: In the hachiji-dachi position, fists in front of the hips.
1. Hidari chudan uchi-ude-uke: Shift your right foot to the right to find yourself in the kiba-dachiposition. Simultaneously, run an inner-outside block left medium level(uchi-ude-uke)while bringing the right fist back into hikity.
2. Migi chudan uchi-ude-uke/Hidari gedan-barai: Pass the right fist in front of you to perform an inner-outside block right middle level(uchi-ude-uke),while the left arm passes inside the right arm to execute a descending blockage(gedan-barai).
3. Yoko Ude-hasami/Migi jodan nagashi-uke/Hidari kagi-kamae/Migi jodan ura-zuki:
(3A) On the spot, still in the kiba-dachiposition, lower the right fist against the left elbow while raising the left fist towards the right elbow so as to perform a lateral blockage of the forearms in scissors (ude-hasami).
(3B)Pullthe right fist back, far behind the shoulder so as to perform a blockage swept right high(nagashi-uke). The left fist does not move(kagi-kamae).
(3C) Carry a close right high level punch(ura-zuki).
4. Soesho migi chudan-zuki: Still in the kiba-dachiposition, pull the right elbow dryly back and place the right fist above the right hip, while you open the left hand, palm down in posture “posture of flowing water” Ryusui-no-kamae.
Then punch directly right, under the left hand open(chudan-zuki). The left palm remains applied to the right arm, just above the elbow joint (Soesho).

5. Migi gedan uchi-ude-uke:
(5A) Still in the kiba-dachiposition, pull the right elbow slightly back and rotate the fist clockwise, left hand held on right arm.
(5B)Turn your head to the left, without changing the position of the upper half of the body, and, without raising the pelvis, pass the left foot in front of the right foot to find yourself in the kosa-dachi position.
(5C)Advance the right foot to settle in the kiba-dachiposition, at the same time as you send the right arm for an indoor-outdoor low level(uchi-ude-uke).

6. Migi tettsui-otoshi-uchi: Still in the kiba-dachiposition, powerfully bring the right fist to the left (as if to free itself from a seizure), raise it above the head before lowering it to the right side to carry a fist hammer descending(tettsui-otoshi-uchi). The left hand is still resting above the right elbow.
7. Soesho migi chudan-zuki: Still in kiba-dachiposition, turn your head to look ahead, bring the right elbow backwards before striking a direct right middle level punch(chudan-zuki),passing under the left hand.
8. Migi chudan uchi-ude-uke/Hidari gedan-barai: On the spot, pass the right fist in front of you to perform an inner-outside middle level(uchi-ude-uke)lock, while the left arm passes inside the right arm to perform a descending blockage(gedan-barai).
9. Hidari chudan uchi-ude-uke/Migi gedan-barai: On the spot, reverse the position of the arms to perform an inner-outside left middle level(uchi-ude-uke),and a right-down blockage(gedan-barai).
10. Hidari jodan nagashi-uke/Hidari jodan ura-zuki:
(10A) Pull the left fist back, far behind the shoulder so as to perform a left swept top blockage(nagashi-uke).
(10B) Carry a close punch left high level(ura-zuki)by bringing the right fist in front of the solar plexus.

KIA !!!
11. Hidari fumikomi-geri:
(11A) Turn your head to the left, without changing the position of the upper half of the body, and without raising the pelvis, pass the left foot in front of the right foot to find yourself in the kosa-dachi position.
(11B) Raise your left foot in front of you before making a crushed kick(fumikomi-geri)to the left to find yourself in the kiba-dachi position.

12. Yoko Ude-hasami/Hidari jodan nagashi-uke/Hidari jodan ura-zuki:
(12A) On the spot, still in the kiba-dachi position, lower the left fist against the right elbow while raising the right fist towards the left elbow so as to perform a lateral scissor forearm blockage(ude-hasami).
(12B)Pullthe left fist back, far behind the shoulder so as to perform a left swept top blockage(nagashi-uke).
(12C) Carry a close punch left high level(ura-zuki).
13. Soesho hidari chudan-zuki: Still in kiba-dachiposition, dryly pull the left elbow back and place the left fist above the left hip, while you open the right hand, palm down in Ryusui-no-kamae posture. Then punch a left direct punch, under the open right hand(chudan-zuki). The right palm remains applied to the left arm, just above the elbow joint.

14. Hidari gedan uchi-ude-uke:
(14A) Still in the kiba-dachiposition, pull the left elbow slightly back and rotate the fist counterclockwise, right hand held on the left arm.
(14B)Turn your head to the left, without changing the position of the upper half of the body, and without raising the pelvis, pass the right foot in front of the left foot to find yourself in the kosa-dachi position.
(14C)Advance the left foot to settle in the kiba-dachiposition, at the same time as you send the left arm for an internal-outside low level(uchi-ude-uke).

15. Hidari tettsui-otoshi-uchi: Still in the kiba-dachiposition, powerfully bring the left fist to the right (as if to free itself from a seizure), raise it above the head before lowering it to the left side to carry a fist hammer descending(tettsui-otoshi-uchi). The right hand is still resting above the left elbow.
16. Soesho hidari chudan-zuki: Still in kiba-dachiposition, turn your head to look ahead, bring the left elbow backwards before striking a direct punch left middle level(chudan-zuki), passing under the right hand.
17. Migi sokumen tate shuto-uke: Turn your head to the right, bypass the body with your right arm so as to perform a vertical blockage of the right hand edge on your right(tate shuto-uke). The left fist is in hikity.
18. Hidari kagi-zuki: On the spot, still in the kiba-dachi position, punch in the middle level left hook(kagi-zuki).

19. Migi fumikomi-geri/Hidari chudan uchi-ude-uke: Without altering the position of the upper half of the body, and without raising the pelvis, pass the left foot in front of the right foot in the kosa-dachiposition. With your right foot, kick a crushed kick(fumikomi-geri),to find yourself in the kiba-dachiposition. Simultaneously, run an inside-outside left middle level lock in front of you(uchi-ude-uke).

20. Migi chudan uchi-ude-uke/Hidari gedan-barai: On the spot, pass the right fist in front of you to perform an inner-outside middle level(uchi-ude-uke),while the lower left passes inside the right arm to execute a descending blockage(gedan-barai).
21. Migi jodan nagashi-uke/Migi jodan ura-zuki: On the spot, still in the kiba-dachi position, pull the right fist back, far behind the right shoulder so as to perform a left-swept high blockage(nagashi-uke). Carry a close right high level punch(ura-zuki).

KIA !!!

Yame, bring your right foot inwards and straighten up in the hachiji-dachi position, fists in front of the hips.
Join your feet in the musubi-dachi position and salute.