Kata in practice
In the musubi-dachi position.
Announce the“Jion”kata.
In heisoku-dachiposition. Place your hands in front of you, at chin height, with your right fist closed in your left hand. The elbows are bent, and on contact with the bust.
Position again called Jiai no kamae – “Posture of benevolence.”
1. Migi chudan uchi-ude-uke/Hidari gedan barai: Step back the left foot to settle in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, while running an inner-outside block right middle level(uchi-ude-uke)and a left-footed block(gedan-barai).
2. Chudan kakiwake-uke: Advance the left foot to 45 degrees in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, bring the elbows against the bust by spreading the fists so as to perform an ascending separator blockage medium level(kakiwake-uke).
3. Migi mae-geri: Without changing the position of the arms, send a right frontal kick(mae-geri).
4. Migi chudan oï-zuki: Rest your right foot in the same axis in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, while performing an elongated right-middle-level frontal punch(oï-zuki).
5. Hidari chudan gyaku-zuki/Migi chudan zuki: On the spot, still in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, chain an inverted punch left middle level(gyaku-zuki)and a direct right punch medium level(chudan-zuki).
6. Chudan kakiwake-uke: Turn your head to the right, rotate 90 degrees to the right to find yourself in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, while bringing your elbows against the bust and spreading your fists so as to perform an ascending separator blocking medium level(kakiwake-uke).
7. Hidari mae-geri: Without changing the position of the arms, send a left frontal kick(mae-geri).
8. Hidari chudan oï-zuki: Rest the left foot in the same axis in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, while performing an elongated frontal punch left medium level(oï-zuki).
9. Migi chudan gyaku-zuki/Hidari chudan zuki: On the spot, still in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, chain an inverted right middle level punch(gyaku-zuki)and a direct punch left middle level(chudan-zuki).
10. Hidari jodan age-uke: Step back the left foot half a step to the left, swing the pelvis to the left, arm the right arm, open hand slanting upwards in front of you. Advance the left foot to 45 degrees to find yourself in the axis of the kata in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, while performing an ascending left high level(age-uke)block, the right fist in hikity.
11. Migi chudan gyaku-zuki: On the spot, still in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, chain an inverted right punch medium level(gyaku-zuki).
12. Migi jodan age-uke: Advance your right foot in the axis of the kata, arm the left arm, open hand slanting upwards in front of you. Lay the right foot in the zenkutsu-dachi position, while performing an ascending right high level(age-uke),the left fist in hikity.
13. Hidari chudan gyaku-zuki: On the spot, still in zenkutsu-dachiposition, chain an inverted punch left middle level(gyaku-zuki).
14. Hidari jodan age-uke: Advance the left foot in the axis of the kata, arm the right arm, open hand slanting upwards in front of you. Lay the left foot in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, while making a left ascending block high level(age-uke),the right fist in hikity.
15. Migi chudan oï-zuki: Advance your right foot into the kata axis to find yourself in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, while executing an elongated frontal punch right middle level(oï-zuki).
16. Manji-uke (Migi jodan uchi-ude-uke/Hidari gedan-barai): Pivot 270 degrees to the left on your right foot, so as to face on your right to find yourself in the zenkutsu-dachiposition. In rotation, arm the left fist above the right shoulder, and the right fist to the left hip. Upon arrival, pull the right arm back powerfully to perform an indoor-outdoor high level(uchi-ude-uke)lock into your back, and send the left arm forward to perform a low-level left block(gedan-barai). You do a high/low blockage(manji-uke).
17. Migi chudan kagi-zuki: Pushing on the right foot, slide slightly to the left in the kiba-dachiposition. At the same time, lower your right fist in front of you to perform a medium level hooked punch(kagi-zuki).
18. Manji-uke (Hidari jodan uchi-ude-uke/Migi gedan-barai): Transfer the centre of gravity of your body to your left foot to move into the Zenkutsu-dachi position the other way. In rotation, arm the right fist above the left shoulder, and the left fist at the right hip. Upon arrival, pull the left arm powerfully back to perform an internal-outdoor high level(uchi-ude-uke)lock in your back, and send the right arm forward to perform a low level right blockage(gedan-barai). You do a high/low blockage(manji-uke).
19. Hidari chudan kagi-zuki: Pushing on the left foot, slide slightly to the right in the kiba-dachiposition. At the same time, lower the left fist in front of you to perform a middle level hooked punch(kagi-zuki).
20. Hidari gedan-barai: Advance your left foot in the zenkutsu-dachi position, at the same time as you make a left-footed block(gedan-barai).
21. Migi chudan teisho-uchi: Advance your right foot with your right fist to your right hip. Open your hand. Wait until the very last moment to rotate the pelvis and complete the advance of your right foot to find yourself in the kiba-dachiposition. Simultaneously, hit the heel of the right hand middle level(teisho-uchi).
22. Hidari chudan teisho-uchi: Advance your left foot with your left fist to your left hip. Open your hand. Wait until the very last moment to rotate the pelvis and complete the advance of your left foot to find yourself in the kiba-dachi position. Simultaneously, hit the heel of the left hand middle level(teisho-uchi).
23. Migi chudan teisho-uchi: Advance your right foot with your right fist to your right hip. Open your hand. Wait until the very last moment to rotate the pelvis and complete the advance of your right foot to find yourself in the kiba-dachi position. Simultaneously, hit the heel of the right hand middle level(teisho-uchi).
24. Manji-uke (Migi jodan uchi-ude-uke/Hidari gedan-barai): Pivot 90 degrees to the left on your right foot to find yourself in the kokutsu-dachi position. In rotation, arm the left fist above the right shoulder, and the right fist to the left hip. Upon arrival, pull the right arm back powerfully to perform an indoor-outdoor high level(uchi-ude-uke)lock into your back, and send the left arm forward to perform a low-level left block(gedan-barai). You do a high/low blockage(manji-uke).
25. Jodan morote-uke: Still in the kokutsu-dachiposition, arm the left fist to the right hip without changing the position of the right arm. Push on the right foot and come stick it against the left foot in the heisoku-dachiposition. Simultaneously, make a reinforced left-level high(morote-uke)blockage to the left. At the arrival of the technique, the knees are extended and the left elbow bent at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the body.
26. Manji-uke (Hidari jodan uchi-ude-uke/Migi gedan-barai): Turn your head to the right, shift your right foot to the right to find yourself in the kokutsu-dachi position. At the same time, pull the left arm powerfully back to perform an internal-outdoor high level(uchi-ude-uke)lock in your back, and send the right arm to perform a left low level blockage(gedan-barai). You do a high/low blockage(manji-uke).
27. Jodan morote-uke: Still in the kokutsu-dachi position, arm the right hand to the left hip without altering the position of the left arm. Push on the left foot and come and stick it against the right foot in the heisoku-dachi position. Simultaneously, perform a reinforced right high level(morote-uke)block to the right.
28. Ryowan gedan kakiwake-uke: On the spot, still in the heisoku-dachiposition, raise the right arm upwards to the left without moving the left, to sweep the space in front of you towards. As soon as the right fist reaches the height of the left fist, lower both arms on either side of the body to perform a double separatist blocking(ryowan kakiwake-uke).
29. Gedan juji-uke: Raise the right knee mightily by pulling the elbows backwards and arming your fists above the hips. Push on the left foot to propel yourself forward and lower the pelvis in the kosa-dachi position, while running a cross block down, right fist on left fist(juji-uke).
30. Ryowan gedan kakiwake-uke: Push on the right foot and powerfully extend the left leg behind you in the zenkutsu-dachi position. Simultaneously, send fists to either side of the cops to perform a double-downward separator block(ryowan kakiwake-uke).
31. Ryowan uchi-ude-uke: Advance on the left foot to find yourself in the zenkutsu-dachiposition. Simultaneously, run an indoor-outdoor medium double-level blockage(ryowan uchi-ude-uke).
32. Jodan juji-uke: Without changing the position of the arms, advance the right foot in the zenkutsu-dachi position, while running a cross blockage up, left arm face side(juji-uke).
33. Migi ura-zuki/Hidari jodan age-uke: Always in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, rotate the pelvis to the left, send the right arm forward to carry a close punch(ura-zuki),and at the same time, bring the left arm back to the face to parerate with an ascending blockage(age-uke).
34. Migi jodan nagashi-uke/ Migi jodan ura-zuki: Always in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, rotate the pelvis to the right, pull the right elbow behind the right shoulder to perform a high-level swept blockage(nagashi-uke)while extending the left arm in front of you. Bring the left fist back to you and send the right fist forward for a close high level punch(ura-zuki). The left fist back is in support of the right elbow.
35. Hidari chudan uchi-ude-uke: With the left foot, bypass the body to the left to rotate 270 degrees to find yourself in the Zenkutsu-dachi position, while blocking an inner-outside left middle level(uchi-ude-uke).
36. Migi chudan oï-zuki: Advance your right foot to find yourself in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, while executing an elongated right-right middle-level punch(oï-zuki).
37. Migi chudan uchi-ude-uke: Turn your head to the right, step back the right foot, rotate the 180) pelvis to the right to find yourself in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, while blocking an inner-outside right middle level(uchi-ude-uke).
38. Hidari chudan oï-zuki: Advance your left foot to find yourself in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, while performing an elongated frontal punch left medium level(oï-zuki).
39. Hidari gedan-barai: Turn your head to the left by shifting your left foot to the left. Pivot the body on the right foot from 90 degrees to the left to find yourself in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, while running a left-footed block(gedan-barai).
40. Fumikomi-geri/Migi otoshi-uke: Without changing the position of the left arm, throw the right leg up in front of you while raising your right fist above your head. Carry a crushed kick right in front of you(fumikomi-geri)to find yourself in the kiba-dachiposition. In doing so, run a crushed blockage of the right fist on the right(otoshi-uke).
41. Fumikomi-geri/Hidari otoshi-uke: Throw your left leg up and right to sweep the space in front of you while raising your left fist above your head. Carry a crushed left kick in front of you(fumikomi-geri)to find yourself in the kiba-dachi position. In doing so, run a crushed blockage of the left fist on the left(otoshi-uke).
42. Fumikomi-geri/Migi otoshi-uke: Throw the right leg up and left to sweep the space in front of you while raising your right fist above your head. Carry a crushed kick right in front of you(fumikomi-geri)to find yourself in the kiba-dachi position. In doing so, run a crushed blockage of the right fist on the right(otoshi-uke).
43. Jodan tsukami-uke/Hidari yumi-zuki: Pivot the 90-degree pelvis to the left and bring the left foot back to you, along the right foot, raising your right hand open to the right side before lowering it to the left. You make a high lock with input(tsukami-uke). Shift your left foot to the left to find yourself in the kiba-dachi position. In doing so, close the right fist and pull the right elbow backwards while you carry a punch from the left bow(yumi-zuki).
44. Jodan tsukami-uke/Migi yumi-zuki: Turn your head to the right, raise your left hand open on the left side before lowering it to the right. You make a high lock with input(tsukami-uke). Push on the left foot to slide the right foot to the right, keep the kiba-dachi position. Simultaneously, execute a punch from the bow(yumi-zuki)to the right by pulling the left elbow in the opposite direction.
Yame: Bring the right foot against the left foot in the heisoku-dachiposition.
Place your hands in front of you, at chin height, with your right fist closed in your left hand.
Join your feet in the musubi-dachi position and salute.