
Kururunfa is an advanced kata brought back from China by way of Kanryo Higaonna. When we compare Kururunfa with the other kata Higaonna learned under his instructor (Ryu Ru Ko Sensei ) in China you will note that Kururunfa is performed relatively quick and fast.

This is likely because of his senjutsu (combat strategies) that focus on being light and evasive, using ample tai-sabaki (translated as whole body movement) rather than standing strong and blocking.

Kururunfa’s kanji is made up of four characters. The first ‘Ku’ is translated ‘long’ (or always), the second ‘ru’ as ‘hold’ (or still), the third ‘run’ as ‘sudden’ and its fourth ‘fa’ is translated as ‘tear’ (or break – similar to the ‘fa’ in Saifa). As a total entity, it is often depicted as ‘Always still, suddenly striking’. Another translation is ‘Hold patiently, suddenly destroy’. This backs up the predominant philosophy throughout of being calm and holding still while awaiting for a committed attack to emerge, then to quickly evade and counter by way of kicks to the knee, kakate (hooking, grabbing techniques), palms strikes, arm breaks and takedowns. Kururunfa’s senjutsu of tai-sabaki works equally at close range while defending against a grab or hold. Even when being wrestled, a competent practitioner of Kururunfa will be able to use kakate (grabbing techniques) combined with a swift shifting of the body to take control of an opponent’s centre of gravity.