

In the musubi-dachiposition.

Announce the“Hangetsu”kata.

Yoi: In the hachiji-dachiposition, fists closed in front of the body, at hip height.

1. Hidari chudan uchi-ude-uke: Bring the left foot back to the right foot, arming the right fist to the left shoulder and the left fist to the right hip. Advance the left foot 45 degrees to the left in the hangetsu-dachi position while sending the left fist in front of you to execute an inner-outside left middle level(uchi-ude-uke),the right fist coming in hikity.

2. Migi chudan gyaku-zuki: On the spot, still in hangetsu-dachi position throw the right fist so as to carry an inverted right middle level punch(gyaku-zuki).

3. Migi chudan uchi-ude-uke: Advance the right foot towards the left foot by arming the left fist to the right shoulder and the right fist to the left hip. Advance the right foot 45 degrees to the right in the hangetsu-dachi position, while sending the right fist in front of you to perform an inner-outside block right middle level(uchi-ude-uke),the left fist coming in hikity.

4. Hidari chudan gyaku-zuki: On the spot, still in hangetsu-dachi position, throw the left fist so as to carry an inverted punch left medium level(gyaku-zuki).

5. Hidari chudan uchi-ude-uke: Advance the left foot towards the right foot with the right fist to the left shoulder and the left fist to the right hip. Advance the left foot 45 degrees to the left in the hangetsu-dachiposition, while sending the left fist in front of you to execute an inside-outside left middle level(uchi-ude-uke),the right fist coming in hikity.

6. Migi chudan gyaku-zuki: On the spot, still in hangetsu-dachi position, throw the right fist so as to carry an inverted right middle level punch(gyaku-zuki).

7. Still in hangetsu-dachiposition, bring the two fists opposite the chest, then gradually stretch your elbows to the sides, bringing your fists closer to your torso, arms parallel to the ground throw the right fist so as to carry an inverted right punch at the middle level. This movement is all inspired.

8. Heiko ippon-ken/Kaishu yama-kamae:

(8A) On the spot, still in the hangetsu-dachiposition, send the fists of phalanxes straight in front of you at shoulder height. (Heiko ippon-ken).
(8B)Open your hands by swivelling your wrists slightly so that the backhands are facing outwards. Simultaneously, move the arms closer to each other, cross them at the wrists, right arm above.
(8C) Raise your arms and send the two elbows to the sides, lowering the shoulders, to find yourself in mountain posture, hands open(kaishu yama-kamae).

9. Kaishu ryowan-kamae: On the spot, still in hangetsu-dachiposition, raise your elbows and extend your arms upwards. Gather the arms and cross them above your head before lowering them in front of you until they are on either side of the body, arms outstretched and hands open(kaishu ryowan-kamae).

10. Kaishu Migi chudan uchi-ude-uke/Kaishu Hidari gedan-barai: Advance your right foot, rotate the 180-degree pelvis to the left to find yourself in the hangetsu-dachi position in the opposite direction. Simultaneously, perform a double cross-blocking open hands: left descending block(gedan-barai)and inner-outside blocking right level middle(uchi-ude-uke).


11. Migi kake-dori: Always in the hangetsu-dachi position, without changing the position of the left arm, rotate the right hand on itself in the opposite direction of the clockwise. Complete the rotation of the hand to make a hooked input(kake-dori).

12. Kaishu Hidari chudan uchi-ude-uke/Kaishu Migi gedan-barai: Advance your right foot in hangetsu-dachiposition. Simultaneously, perform a double cross-blocking open hands: right descending block(gedan-barai)and inner-outside block left medium level(uchi-ude-uke).

13. Hidari kake-dori: Always in hangetsu-dachiposition, without changing the position of the right arm, rotate the left hand on itself clockwise. Complete the rotation of the hand to make a hooked input(kake-dori).

14. Kaishu Migi chudan uchi-ude-uke/Kaishu Hidari gedan-barai: Advance your left foot in hangetsu-dachiposition. Simultaneously, perform a double cross-blocking open hands: left descending block(gedan-barai)and inner-outside blocking right level middle(uchi-ude-uke).

15. Migi kake-dori: Always in the hangetsu-dachi position, without changing the position of the left arm, rotate the right hand on itself in the opposite direction of the clockwise. Complete the rotation of the hand to make a hooked input(kake-dori).

16. Migi chudan uchi-ude-uke: Slightly bring the left foot back to the right foot, rotate the pelvis 90 degrees to the right, take a sliding step by pushing on the left foot to arrive in the hangetsu-dachiposition, while sending the right fist in front of you to perform an inner-outside blockage right middle level(uchi-ude-uke), the left fist coming in hikity.

17. Hidari chudan gyaku-zuki/Migi chudan-zuki: On the spot, still in hangetsu-dachi position, throw the left fist so as to carry an inverted punch left middle level(gyaku-zuki), followed by a right punch frontal level middle (chudan-zuki).

18. Hidari chudan uchi-ude-uke: Shift the left foot behind you, rotate 180 degrees to the left, take a slid step by pushing on the left foot to arrive in the hangetsu-dachi position in the opposite direction. At the same time, send the right fist in front of you to perform an inner-outside block right level middle(uchi-ude-uke),the left fist coming in hikity.

19. Migi chudan gyaku-zuki/Hidari chudan-zuki: On the spot, still in hangetsu-dachiposition, throw the right fist so as to carry an inverted right middle level punch(gyaku-zuki),followed by a left frontmid-level punch (chudan-zuki).

20. Migi chudan uchi-ude-uke: Slightly bring the left foot back to the right foot, rotate the pelvis 90 degrees to the right, take a sliding step by pushing on the left foot to arrive in the hangetsu-dachiposition, while sending the right fist in front of you to perform an inner-outside blockage right middle level(uchi-ude-uke), the left fist coming in hikity.

21. Hidari chudan gyaku-zuki/Migi chudan-zuki: On the spot, still in hangetsu-dachi position, throw the left fist so as to carry an inverted punch left middle level(gyaku-zuki), followed by a right punch frontal level middle (chudan-zuki).

‎22. Hidari engetsu-kaeshi/ Chudan uraken-uchi: ‎‎Turn your head to the left, raise your left knee and scan the space in front of you following a left-facing arcing path (engetsu-kaeshi). Simultaneously, raise the left elbow in front of the face, following a trajectory parallel to that of the left foot. Lower your left foot to find yourself in the kokutsu-dachi position while administering a middle-level (uraken-uchi) backhand shot.‎

‎23. Chudan hidari mae-geri/Hazushi-te: ‎‎Without altering the position of the upper body, bring the crossed right foot behind the left foot in the kosa-dachi position. Then execute a left whipped frontal kick (mae-geri) while raising the ‎‎Fist‎‎ left over the right shoulder as if to free from a seizure (hazushi-te)‎.

‎24. Hidari gedan-barai: ‎‎Rest your left foot in hangetsu-dachi position, at the same time as you make a left-footed blockage (gedan-barai).‎

‎25. Migi chudan gyaku-zuki: ‎‎On the spot, still in hangetsu-dachi position, carry an inverted right middle level punch (gyaku-zuki).‎

‎26. Hidari jodan age-uke: ‎‎On the spot, still in hangetsu-dachi position, run a left-level high ascending block (jodan age-uke).‎

27. Migi engetsu-kaeshi/ Chudan uraken-uchi: Raise your right knee and sweep the space in front of you following a right-facing arcing path(engetsu-kaeshi). Simultaneously, raise the right elbow in front of the face, following a trajectory parallel to that of the right foot. Lower your right foot to find yourself in the kokutsu-dachi position while administering a middle-level backhand(uraken-uchi)position.

28. Chudan migi mae-geri/Hazushi-te: Without altering the position of the upper body, bring the crossed left foot behind the right foot into the kosa-dachi position. Then execute a frontal kick whipped right(mae-geri) while raising the must fist above the left shoulder as if to free itself from a seizure(hazushi-te).

29. Migi gedan-barai: Rest your right foot in hangetsu-dachi position, at the same time as you make a right-footed blockage(gedan-barai).

30. Hidari chudan gyaku-zuki: On the spot, still in hangetsu-dachiposition, carry an inverted punch left medium level(gyaku-zuki).

31. Migi jodan age-uke: On the spot, still in hangetsu-dachiposition, run an ascending right high level(jodan age-uke).

32. Hidari engetsu-kaeshi/ Chudan uraken-uchi: Raise your left knee and sweep the space in front of you following a left-facing arced path(engetsu-kaeshi). Simultaneously, raise the left elbow in front of the face, following a trajectory parallel to that of the left foot. Lower the left foot to find yourself in the kokutsu-dachi position while administering a middle-level punchhand(uraken-uchi).

33. Migi mikazuki-geri: Throw your right foot in front of you to kick a crescent moon kick into the left palm(mikazuki-geri),the left fist remains in hikity.


34. Migi gedan gyaku-zuki: Rest your right foot behind you and slightly to the right, so that you find yourself in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, while carrying a straight inverted punch(gyaku-zuki).

35. Teisho awase gedan-barai: Center the weight of the body on the right leg and bring the left foot back to the right foot by taking off the left heel of the ground in the neko-ashi-dachiposition. Send the heels of both hands down, at a 45-degree angle to the left, so as to make a double-descending blockage of the heels of the hand(teisho awase gedan-barai).

Yoi 6

Yame: Turn the left foot back and shift it to the left in the hachiji-dachiposition, fists closed in front of the body, at hip height.

Join your feet in the musubi-dachi position and salute.
