Greet in the musubi-dachi position.
Announce the“Empi”kata.
Yoi: In heisoku-dachi position. Place your hands to your left hip, left hand open, fingers outstretched forward, vertical right fist thumbs up, applied against the left palm.
1. Migi gedan barai: Pivot the pelvis to the left, shift your left foot to the left about 1/2 step and lower your right fist in front of you. Lower the pelvis until you come to touch the ground with the left knee by making a powerful left-down blockage(gedan-barai).
2. Koshi-kamae: Stand up and align your right foot on your left foot in the hachiji-dachiposition, while arming the left palm fist upwards and the vertical right fist resting on it at the left hip(koshi-kamae).
3. Migi gedan-barai: Turn your head to the right, send your right foot to the right in the zenkutsu-dachi position, while you run a right-footed block(gedan-barai).
4. Hidari kagi-zuki: Turn your left foot back to reach the kiba-dachi position in the starting line of the kata. In doing so, execute a left hooked punch(kagi-zuki).

5. Hidari gedan-barai: Advance your left foot in the axis of the kata to find yourself in the zenkutsu-dachi position, while you run a right-footed block in front of you(gedan-barai).
6. Migi jodan age-zuki: On the spot, still in a zenkutsu-dachiposition, throw the right fist so that it follows an upward trajectory(age-zuki).
7. Kami-zukami/Migi fumikomi/Migi nagashi-uke/Hidari otoshi-zuki:
(7A) Without changing the position of the arm and still in the zenkutsu-dachi position, open your hand and rotate it clockwise to describe a small circle with the tip of the fingers for a hair grab (kami-zumika).
(7B)Raise your right knee in front of you by pushing your right hip forward. Execute a crushed right kick(fumikomi)and immediately advance the crossed left foot behind the right foot to find yourself in the kosa-dachi position.
(7C) Simultaneously, lower the pelvis by executing aleft-down punch (otoshi-zuki)by arming the fist over the left shoulder to perform a swept blockage(nagashi-uke).
8. Migi ushiro gedan-barai: Push on the right leg and recoil the left foot to align it to the right to find yourself in the elongated and narrow zenkutsu-dachi position. In doing so, tilt the bust forward and run a right descending blockage behind you(ushiro gedan-barai). The head remains turned in the direction of the blockage, the left fist is in hikity at the left hip.

9. Hidari gedan-barai: Raise the bust, turn your head to the left. Slightly shift the left foot to find yourself in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, while you run a left-down block(gedan-barai).
10. Migi jodan age-zuki: On the spot, still in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, execute an uphill right punch(age-zuki).
11. Kami-zukami/Migi fumikomi/Migi nagashi-uke/Hidari otoshi-zuki:
(11A) Pivot your hand on itself for a hair grab(kami-zukami).
(11B) Raise your right knee in front of you by pushing your right hip forward. Execute a crushed right kick(fumikomi)and immediately advance the crossed left foot behind the right foot to find yourself in the kosa-dachi position.
(11C) Simultaneously, lower the pelvis by executing aleft-down punch (otoshi-zuki)by arming the fist over the left shoulder to perform a swept blockage(nagashi-uke).
12. Migi ushiro gedan-barai: Push on the right leg and pull back the left foot to align it to the right to find yourself in a long, narrow zenkutsu-dachi position. In doing so, tilt the bust forward and run a right descending blockage behind you(ushiro gedan-barai). The head remains turned in the direction of the blockage, the left fist is in hikity at the left hip.

13. Hidari gedan-barai: Raise the bust, turn your head to the left. Slightly shift the left foot to find yourself in the zenkutsu-dachi position, while you run a left-down block(gedan-barai).

14. Hidari jodan haishu-uke:
(14A) Bring the left foot back to the right foot by opening the left hand and pulling it towards the right hip.
(14B) Synchronously, pull the left fist and knee towards the opposite side of the body and, in a very fluid motion, raise them in a semicircle trajectory.
(14C) Continue the movement by raising arm and leg in front of you and then on the left. As soon as your left hand passes in front of your face, follow it with your eyes.
(14D) Rest it, left foot on the ground in kiba-dachi position. At the same time, the left arm arrives at its destination: forearm pointed to the sky and left elbow at shoulder height, bent at a 45-degree angle. The left back of the hand is turned outwards and the eyes look at the left wrist(haishu-uke).
15. Migi empi-uchi: Without changing the position of the left hand, use a right elbow(empi-uchi) againstthe left palm. Simultaneously, bring the right foot into a hook behind the left knee in the kata-ashi-dachi position.

16. Hidari chudan tate shuto-uke: Rest the right foot at its previous location in the kiba-dachi position extend the left arm forward to perform a vertical blockage of the edge of the middle level hand(tate shuto-uke).
17. Migi chudan-zuki/Hidari chudan-zuki: On the spot, still in the kiba-dachi position, send a middle level right punch(chudan-zuki),followed by a left punch medium level(chudan-zuki).

18. Hidari gedan-barai: Turn your head to the left, step back your left foot half a step to find yourself in the zenkutsu-dachi position, while you run a left-footed block(gedan-barai).
19. Migi jodan age-zuki: On the spot, still in the zenkutsu-dachi position, execute an uphill right punch(age-zuki).
20. Migi chudan shuto-uke: Advance your right foot in the kokutsu-dachiposition, while blocking the edge of the middle right hand(shuto-uke).
21. Hidari chudan shuto-uke: Bring the right foot against the left foot, then advance the left foot to find yourself in the kokutsu-dachi position (in fact you reverse the position) while blocking the edge of the left hand middle level(shuto-uke).
22. Migi chudan gyaku-zuki: Still in the kokutsu-dachi position, execute an inverted right middle level punch(gyaku-zuki).
23. Migi chudan shuto-uke: Advance your right foot in the kokutsu-dachi position, while blocking the edge of the middle right hand(shuto-uke).

24. Hidari gedan-barai: Shift your left foot behind your back 180 degrees to the left, so you find yourself in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, in the opposite direction, while you run a left-footed block(gedan-barai).
25. Migi jodan age-zuki: On the spot, still in the zenkutsu-dachi position, execute an uphill right punch(age-zuki).
26. Kami-zukami/Migi fumikomi/Migi nagashi-uke/Hidari otoshi-zuki:
(26A) Pivot the right hand on itself for a hair grab(kami-zukami).
(26B)Raise your right knee in front of you by pushing your right hip forward. Execute a crushed right kick(fumikomi)and immediately advance the crossed left foot behind the right foot to find yourself in the kosa-dachi position.
(26C) Simultaneously, lower the pelvis by executing aleft-down punch (otoshi-zuki)by arming the fist over the left shoulder to perform a swept blockage(nagashi-uke).
27. Migi ushiro gedan-barai: Push on the right leg and pull back the left foot to align it to the right to find yourself in a long, narrow zenkutsu-dachi position. In doing so, tilt the bust forward and run a right descending blockage behind you(ushiro gedan-barai). The head remains turned in the direction of the blockage, the left fist is in hikity at the left hip.

28. Hidari gedan-barai: Raise the bust, turn your head to the left. Slightly shift the left foot to find yourself in the zenkutsu-dachi position, while you run a left-down block(gedan-barai).
29. Migi teisho-uke: Still in the zenkutsu-dachi position, rotate the pelvis to the left, arm the left fist above the left hip and raise the right hand to block the heel of the hand(teisho-uke).

30. Teisho-morote-uke: Turn your head to the right, slide your right foot towards the left foot, rotate the pelvis to the right, pointing the right palm down and raising your left palm in front of you. Advance your right foot to reach the zenkutsu-dachi position, at the same time as you double-lock the heels of your hands(teisho-morote-uke). The right palm follows an upward vertical trajectory and the left palm follows a downward vertical trajectory.
31. Teisho-morote-uke: Without changing the position of the hands, advance the left foot (hands do not move until the left foot has passed the right). Complete the advance of your left foot to find yourself in the zenkutsu-dachi position, at the same time as you perform a double locking of the heels of the hands(teisho-morote-uke). The right palm follows a downward vertical trajectory and the left palm follows an upward vertical trajectory (reversal of the position of both hands).
32. Teisho-morote-uke: Without changing the position of the hands, advance the right foot (hands do not move until the right foot has passed the left). Complete the advance of your right foot to find yourself in the zenkutsu-dachiposition, at the same time as you perform a double locking of the heels of the hands(teisho-morote-uke). The right palm follows an upward vertical trajectory and the left palm follows an upward vertical trajectory (reversal of the position of both hands).

33. Migi gedan-barai: Push on the left foot to send the right foot forward (yori-ashi) at the same time as you slide the left foot to the right (both feet are on the same axis) to find yourself in the kokutsu-dachi position, while you run a right-footed block(gedan-barai).
34. Morote koko-kamae: Push again on the left foot and slide the 2 feet in the direction of the right passing in the kiba-dachi position. Simultaneously, raise the right hand at waist height (palm to the sky) and throw the left hand forward and upwards, in front of the forehead (palm of the hand also towards the sky) in the position of the seizure “tiger’s mouth”(morote koko-kamae).
35. Joho-kaiten-tobi/Migi chudan shuto-uke:
(35A) Resting on the left foot, dryly rotate the pelvis to the left, raise your right hand to the left shoulder and extend your left arm in front of you, slanting to the right.
(35B) Continue the previously initiated movement by raising the right knee to increase the pulse of the upcoming jump.
(35C) Push on the left leg by raising the right knee for an upward rotation jump(joho-kaiten-tobi). To do this, bring the legs under the pelvis by bending your knees and rotate 360 degrees to find yourself in the same direction as the starting one. At the top of the jump, the right hand is above the left shoulder and the left arm is stretched in front of you, slanting to the right.
(35D) Both feet return to the ground at the same time, in the kokutsu-dachi position and by running a blockage of the edge of the right hand middle level(shuto-uke).

36. Hidari chudan shuto-uke: Recoil the right foot in the kokutsu-dachi position while blocking the edge of the middle-level left hand(shuto-uke).

Yame: Recoil your left foot against the right foot in the heisoku-dachiposition.
Bring your hands back to your left hip, left hand open, fingers outstretched forward, vertical right fist thumb up, applied against the left palm.
Join your feet in the musubi-dachi